play along and go link up on Lauren's page!
1. My favorite current TV show is Oh gosh I have no idea, Bethenny Getting Married and So You Think You Can Dance, Friends duh.
2. The TV character I can relate to most is Monica
3. My life is like (fill in with TV show and why).... LOST. just kidding, i have no idea
4. My all time favorite TV show is FRIENDS- duh
5. A TV show that is ridiculously stupid, but I continue to watch is - Bachelor, Bachelorette and NOW Bachelor Pad. SO DUMB.
6. My favorite TV couple is oo tough pick between Rachel & Ross and Monica and Chandler..
7. One TV episode I could watch over and over again is umm EVERY episode of friends.
Sadly i havent seen a friends episode for ages! Hope you are having a perfect weekend! Kellie xx