Monday, January 3, 2011

need.. more.. space...

brian and i have been itching in the last few months for a new home.
don't get me wrong, we are beyond blessed to own a nice home now...
but there are so many things we don't like about it, after living in it for 2 years,
more and more things bother us, like the 90's doors and cheap cabinets, 
the super small laundry room, lack of storage space, taupe carpet & walls.. etc.

dreaming of a new, clean, simplistic beautiful home like this:


  1. Shane and I are totally in the same boat! We have been looking at some land out near where I grew up, but there have been some problems with the lawyer/contracts/blah blah/I don't really know... but I am SO READY for my home/apartment barn {first} out there in the wide open spaces! Happy 2011!

  2. I totally agree--my husband and I have been living in the same apartment that he rented two years before we got married, and I want so badly to start decorating and making a house my own (we aren't allowed to paint or do anything like that).

    Oh how I long for the day when I can have vaulted ceilings and white open spaces! :)

  3. i dream ALWAYS of a new place - i love my pad that i can call all mine - but it wouldn't hurt to have more space, that's for sure!!

    *kiss kiss*
    Happy New year

    ~Tiptoe Butterfly~

  4. sounds like a good excuse to re-model!

  5. i am a huge fan of white spaces as well! but i would just be afraid of it getting dirty haha!

  6. I was itching for a new space about 6 months after we built our house, i felt like it was too small and hated the builder basic finishes. Then I realized that I could change the things I dont like and get creative with storage... I certainly dont want to clean a house bigger than what we have now. We will buy property someday but for now i am happy with our little home (and little mortgage payments :)

  7. those are gorgeous homes! you should do some DIY projects to fix the things that bother you in the meantime. once we have a home of our own, i definitely foresee myself going crazy with projects to perfect our home!

  8. I daydream about the 'perfect house' all the time. I do love my loft but closet space is sparse and one bedroom makes it hard to make guests that comfy. But, then Ted always teases me with - if you give a mouse a muffin....

    All the pictures of lovely!!!

  9. OH man, these spaces make me so so happy!

  10. oh i loooove those! that kitchen especially!!!

  11. reading the comments above show me how many people want to do the same. me too! can't stand to keep working on a house that I don't want to grow old at. these spaces are beautiful. good luck on finding your dream home :)

  12. New follower here! :)

    I have been itching to get into a new house, too. Like you, I am grateful for what I have, but am starting to feel a little cramped. (My husband and I used to own a house, but are now renting an apartment. There just isn't enough room for everything!)



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