If you work part time or are a stay at home mom, like a lot of my friends, you have a lot to accomplish in a week around your home. Some days you have too little and some days too much time to do it in. How do you get everything done in a week without feeling overwhelmed and give up?
Step 1: Make a list of all of the items you have to complete in a week
EX: laundry, fold & put away, clean bathrooms, pick up & organize, vacuum, pay bills, mop (etc.)
Step 2: Make a list of the things you'd like to do in a week
EX: work out, crafting, read a book, blog
Step 3: Write out your current schedule to find the holes
EX: 8:30-12:30 Work
12:30-1:30 Lunch
1:30-3 Free Time
3-5 Social Time
The holes I've created are 1:30-3 and 3-5 - what makes the most sense to me would be to have the "have to do's" 1:30-3 and the "want to do's" 3-5
Step 4: Make a schedule for each day of the week so you get everything done but it's spread out and doesn't feel like an overwhelming task.
1:30-3 3-5
Sunday Laundry time with husband
Monday Fold & Put Away work out
Tuesday Clean Bathrooms read & blog
Wednesday Pick Up House work out
Thursday Vacuum see a friend
Friday Mop work out
Saturday Pay Bills craft
Step 5: Display this somewhere in your home to motivate you. Stick to it but give yourself grace if it doesn't work every single day!
Do you struggle organizing your day or getting things done?
Take 20 minutes to do this for yourself and see what you can come up with!