Friday, December 7, 2012

why my blog is for me

I started this blog almost 3 years ago out of a need to create and to have a voice. I titled it 'For Me' as a constant reminder that I shouldn't blog just for others. I blog stalked for a few months before I started mine and it made me sad to see people write things like "I'm sorry for not posting lately..." as if they were not enjoying it and being forced to post. I also wanted to always remind myself to stay true to who I was.

For blog success, I've been told to do many things, but I don't necessarily want blog success, I want to be me, isn't that why most of us start blogs? So that we can share a bit of ourselves with the world? Learn from each other? Grow together? I never wanted to do otherwise. I'm writing this post for myself right now as another reminder.

Lately I have been bored with my blog, over it, not feeling it. I don't really know if anyone is still reading, I don't get a lot of comments, I haven't had new followers in months, my photos aren't done very well because I don't have photoshop, I don't take pictures all of the time because my life is really busy and hectic. I realized that this list of things was the reason that I wasn't "feeling it" when really all of those things shouldn't matter if I'm blogging just for me.

I have an audience of One that I'm trying to please, Galatians 1:10 and I shouldn't let those things make me not want to blog.

Part of the beauty of this world of blogging is the community made within it. I delight so much in comments on my posts and interacting with readers as well as being inspired by content on the blogs of others. However, if I don't get comments or new readers, I don't want to think that I am failing. Or if one blog has grown a lot in the last year and mine hasn't, I don't want to feel any ounce of jealousy in it. I am not going to stop blogging, I just want to remind myself the reason I started in the first place. Thank you to all who have been following along in my journey, I hope we continue to inspire one another.

Do any of you struggle with comparison, jealousy, blogging for others and not yourself? I hope this is an encouragement to keep blogging things you love, share your heart and personality and if people enjoy it and find value in it, that is just a bonus!


  1. I'm still reading here! But I can totally relate to your meh feelings about blogging lately. You have a great attitude though and sometimes it seems that really great posts happen when you're not trying to impress anyone else! keep at it, or not! whatever brings you joy!

  2. Yes, I stuggle with comparing my blog to others constantly. I didn't start it to be a money maker or to blog about anything other than what I wanted but still find myself wondering why I don't have more followers and if should I branch out and do more. I've even thought about stopping my blog altogether. But I think I'll keep doing it for myself and try to keep the focus on that. Thanks for posting this!

  3. I enjoy your writing, Olivia! It's sincere and beautifully simple, in a way that helps slow life down. I think that is something everyone needs :) Thank you for that.

  4. I read your blog every single day. It is one of my most favorite ways to feel closer to you after all these years of living on opposite coasts. I'm definitely still feeling it. :) Your blog encouraged me to start one.

  5. I am still reading! Like Maggie, it helps me feel closer to you even though we are in the same state. Love you, Olive.

  6. I read your blog! I like your organizing ideas/style :)

  7. I am glad you posted this. I totally know what you mean! I have like 2 readers and don't care. It is just fun to say what you want to say. A fun creative outlet. Keep doing it if it makes you happy! Oh, and I read it. So I am glad you aren't quitting!

  8. I'm reading too! I feel a similar pressure sometimes, especially when I start comparing my blog to others {which never ends well} but then I take a couple day break and remind myself why I started the blog, for a creative outlet, or I try and do something creative and then I hopefully get inspired again. You should come to a blogger meet up sometime, I always find those supportive and a good reminder of the real world part of blogging and connecting.

  9. This post feels like it came straight from my heart. I feel the same way. Lately I have not felt like blogging. Life gets too busy and I felt like I was doing it just to please my readers and not really because I cared about it. I do care, I just sometimes need breaks and only need to post when I'm inspired!
    thanks for sharing this! I read your blog and I'm happy to know that's it's "for you"

  10. Love this. I too struggle with all this - I really don't like the idea of formulating your blog for success - just not for me. Like you, I'd rather stay true to myself than try to strategically gain followers. I'm not going to lie - I wouldn't mind making some money with sponsors - but I don't want to compromise my blog to get there. My blog has been stagnant as far as gaining followers for awhile now too and it's kind of surprising how much it hasn't bothered me. The things I struggle most with when it comes to blogs is comparison - from beautiful photos, perfectly decorated homes, gorgeous wardrobes, amazing DIY ideas.. Yea, it can get bad sometimes and breed discontentment. But I think II have done a better job at keeping it at bay lately. Love how real and downt-to-earth you are with your blog.

  11. I always feel "dumb" when I have zero comments on a post. Thanks for reminding me why I started my blog. A journal to document our life, not to worry about each and every comment!! You're amazing! Keep up the blogging!


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