Playing along with Nicole. Please join in and comment if you do and I'll come check it out!!
1. Name 5 songs on your mixed CD from high school. ooo this is kind of hard... SO many come to mind. I'll do 5 songs that remind me of senior year in high school
1. Toxic- Britney Spears
2. Mr. Jones - Counting Crows
3. Handsdown- Dashboard Confessionals
4. Beautiful Soul- Jesse McCartney
5. Africa- Toto
2. What is your favorite board game of all time? CLUE hands down, I love it. I've always loved it. I know it's not a board game but my actual favorite game is Nerts-- it's a card game. I could play it all day every day- and there have been those days.
3. What is the strangest thing you have ever done with your hair?
sadly I have never done anything strange with my hair... I've never colored it, never cut it weird, never did weird things to it. In elementary school I'm pretty sure I thought that if you didn't have your hair 100% tight and slicked back in your pony tail you wouldn't make friends-- even if you needed to use clips ALLL the way around your head to make it look like that.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
sister's version
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Monday, June 28, 2010
New Series:
"For Me" unique home style.
This new series was inspired by my dear friend Kendall. Kendall and I met on Work Crew, she is special to me. She lives on a Ranch and in a Canyon (Washington Family Ranch to be exact where they are on staff-- jealousy..) where her and her husband work.
{a few wedding pictures to get a taste of how beautiful she is and her style}
When Brian and I got to visit them for the first time I fell in love with her home. I fell in love with it because it was "SO Kendall!!". That is what I kept telling myself as I walked around and saw new things.
I love when someone can say that their style is so "for me". It is sometimes hard to be bold and decorate the way that YOU want it to be and have it feel so unique but still totally cute. I see so many pictures of beautiful rooms, homes and decor but those could be anyone's homes... I am encouraged and inspired to decorate with "for me style"
I love when someone can say that their style is so "for me". It is sometimes hard to be bold and decorate the way that YOU want it to be and have it feel so unique but still totally cute. I see so many pictures of beautiful rooms, homes and decor but those could be anyone's homes... I am encouraged and inspired to decorate with "for me style"
Kendall's "for me style" beautiful home:
The mud room as you walk into their home
family room- coffee table
wall of art in their dining room-- most of which Kendall created herself
Kendall's nice big craft table and space with her inspiration boards above
one of her many bedrooms with their super cute dog Sage
Thanks Kendall & Peter for sharing your beautiful home with us!!!
What does everyone think? Is your style similiar to hers or not at all? It's so fun to see how other people decorate, that is my favorite.
So here begins highlighting some of my friends/blogger friends/family to showcase style that is strictly "for me" (because as you can tell by he title of my blog I'm all about doing things for no one else but yourself )!! If you would like to be highlighted, email me
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Friday, June 25, 2010
Follow Friday
Blogger style Part 3
{Meg's Musing}
Coffee & Stilettos
Punch of Color
What are your #FF suggestions?? Highlight a few of your favorite blogs from this week in a post and link up below so we can share and find some new friends!! {or you can just post their link below}
{follow me on twitter here}
{check out other #FF posts here}
Blogger style Part 3
{via wild and precious}
While you're sipping on your coffee this am, check out these lovely ladies & blogs, I think they're pretty awesome!
{Meg's Musing}
Coffee & Stilettos
Punch of Color
What are your #FF suggestions?? Highlight a few of your favorite blogs from this week in a post and link up below so we can share and find some new friends!! {or you can just post their link below}
{follow me on twitter here}
{check out other #FF posts here}
Thursday, June 24, 2010
My 5...
playing along today.. because I think I need it...

To play.. post 5 things that have made you..
Totally Stoked
or Thankful
then go here and link up..
1. I went to see the Lion King last night at the Keller and it totallly rocked
2. The sun is FINALLY shining major. I love the sun, I love summer, I love Portland in the summer
3. I painted my nails last night and it makes me feel super great
4. Today is Thursday.. which means it's my last full day of work for the week as we get half days on Fridays at Nike
5. I've worked out 3 times so far this week and plan on working out again today.
by the God of the Universe. He knows everything about you. He is everywhere and always.
"O LORD, you have searched me
and you know me.
You know when I sit and when I rise;
you perceive my thoughts from afar.
You discern my going out and my lying down;
you are familiar with all my ways.
Before a word is on my tongue
you know it completely, O LORD.
You hem me in—behind and before;
you have laid your hand upon me.
Such knowledge is too wonderful for me,
too lofty for me to attain.
Where can I go from your Spirit?
Where can I flee from your presence?
If I go up to the heavens, you are there;
if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.
If I rise on the wings of the dawn,
if I settle on the far side of the sea,
even there your hand will guide me,
your right hand will hold me fast.
If I say, "Surely the darkness will hide me
and the light become night around me,"
even the darkness will not be dark to you;
the night will shine like the day,
for darkness is as light to you."
pslam 139:1-12
"O LORD, you have searched me
and you know me.
You know when I sit and when I rise;
you perceive my thoughts from afar.
You discern my going out and my lying down;
you are familiar with all my ways.
Before a word is on my tongue
you know it completely, O LORD.
You hem me in—behind and before;
you have laid your hand upon me.
Such knowledge is too wonderful for me,
too lofty for me to attain.
Where can I go from your Spirit?
Where can I flee from your presence?
If I go up to the heavens, you are there;
if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.
If I rise on the wings of the dawn,
if I settle on the far side of the sea,
even there your hand will guide me,
your right hand will hold me fast.
If I say, "Surely the darkness will hide me
and the light become night around me,"
even the darkness will not be dark to you;
the night will shine like the day,
for darkness is as light to you."
pslam 139:1-12
{via dinosaur toes}
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Monday, June 21, 2010
The Anna
okay my sister has been begging me to do this for her but for some reason it was really hard for me. She has a very unique style of simple and super fun and glam. Not sure if this does it justice but I tried. sorry sissy.
Be sure to check out the others here. Rooms inspired by ladies in my life!
Saturday, June 19, 2010
summer plans
Now that I have a job all the the time, I don't get to share what my summer plans are because when you grow up they get boring-- no going to camp, no getting married, no laying out by the pool, no family vacations, no sleepovers, no late night adventures -- SO this is my little list of things I want to do this summer
-take more pictures
-fit into my old jeans
-buy clothes I love
-do projects around the house- paint, new decor, new floors & counters
-make dinner almost every night
-make lunch for us to take to work
-drink lots of water
-get more energy
-spend time with Jesus every day
-have clear skin
-get really tan
-go thrifting
-ENJOY Portland more- actually DO stuff here (hiking, boating, downtown)
-drink lots of iced tea
-take care of my yard
What do you want to do this summer? What things do you wish you could do more often?
{via yellow brick blog}
-take more pictures
-fit into my old jeans
-buy clothes I love
-do projects around the house- paint, new decor, new floors & counters
-make dinner almost every night
-make lunch for us to take to work
-drink lots of water
-get more energy
-spend time with Jesus every day
-have clear skin
-get really tan
-go thrifting
-ENJOY Portland more- actually DO stuff here (hiking, boating, downtown)
-drink lots of iced tea
-take care of my yard
What do you want to do this summer? What things do you wish you could do more often?
Friday, June 18, 2010
my toms
Playing along with a little global photo project over at Coffee & Stilettos.
my {new} TOMS are getting me through a Friday at work
Follow Friday
Follow Friday Blogger style part 2.
{for other parts see here}
some ladies that I've enjoy getting to know via their blogs lately!
Wild & Precious
Letters from CoCo
Causally Defined
(this is my baby sister to whom I am partial-- but her blog rocks and you should check it out!)
What is your #FF suggestions?? Highlight a few of your favorite blogs from this week in a new post and post the link below so we can share and find some new friends, or just link up their blog!!
(if you are not familiar with #FF it's a twitter thing)
{for other parts see here}
some ladies that I've enjoy getting to know via their blogs lately!
Wild & Precious
Letters from CoCo
Causally Defined
(this is my baby sister to whom I am partial-- but her blog rocks and you should check it out!)
What is your #FF suggestions?? Highlight a few of your favorite blogs from this week in a new post and post the link below so we can share and find some new friends, or just link up their blog!!
(if you are not familiar with #FF it's a twitter thing)
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Style in one picture challenge
I'm playing along today with Ally at From the Right Bank. Her challenge is to come up with one picture that describes your style.
I chose this picture today for me! It is super chic, simple and organized. There is a lot of light with pops of color. There are personal items (pictures, cards etc. on the ledge) and beautiful contrast-- no clutter but there are items on display. I love this kitchen so much, I wish that it was my own with all the open space. I am 100% about relationships and community and this seems like the perfect table to enjoy that in with 9 seats at it!
Be sure to head over to Ally's page, play along and link up!! Would love to see what everyone comes up with!
summer reading
anyone have thoughts on these? read them yet? want to read them? any more you would reccomend me adding?
ps I just have a werid obsession with LC, I don't actually think that her book will be good.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
I wish I had entire bathroom to make my own, super glam and that would make me feel pretty all of the time! Right now, all I get is my vanity (which i am grateful for!!!)
I am thinking about ways to make it more beautiful. Inspired by these:
{via the decorista}
Saturday, June 12, 2010
anti pink and blue
I'm so dying to decorate a baby room. I still have a couple more years and a new house to get through first. BUT there are no rules that I can't dream about it. I HATE PINK. I don't know why, I don't think I've ever liked it- I know I am "supposed to" but I just don't. I love the idea below of a white girls room with lots of color added in. No need to paint the walls... you're going to have to change it multiple times so you may as well start with white! I think it looks beautiful
Thursday, June 10, 2010
it's my birthday!
{via oh hello friend}
So far it's been great. Over the years I have lowered my expectations of birthdays. Let's be honest, we all build them up in our head and then we feel sad and let down during the day when it doesn't turn out perfect. So my goal now, is to just relax and take the day as it comes, being grateful for all of the birthday wishes and the wonderful people in my life!!!
Today I was woken up with breakfast in bed by my wonderful husband and had flowers, a diet coke and a card waiting for me at my desk at work from Aly. Going to enjoy it! After work Brian and I are going to my fav place, Oba! with our great friends Peter and Joy and then headed to Sunset's Graduation :)
All of my YL girls had their last day of high school yesterday and are walking tonight!! I can't even believe it. I started leading them the day I moved home from Eugene and have been with them ever since. It will be hard to watch them all go in September!!
Nowwww if the sun would come out and the rain would go away it would be GREAT!!
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
you're killing me Smalls!!
the smores post yesterday got me craving The Sandlot because it reminded me of this scene
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Friday, June 4, 2010
"Our Cravings are a good indication of what a lie is. To crave something outside of God and never feel like we have enough is a deluded heart misleading us. If there is anything your clinging to except the love of God, I pray you'll redirect your vision to the one and only God. Remember, what you are holding onto will betray you every time if it isn't from God." - Beth Moore
My good friend Kat from Summer Staff wrote about this book she is reading and I so resonated with this quote. Thanks for sharing it Kat, I really appreciated it.
{via dinosaur toes}
Thursday, June 3, 2010
would have said
Do you ever wish you could tell someone something but it feels like it's too late? Or they are not here anymore to tell. Jackie Hooper, a wonderful musician and friend of mine from high school, had the idea of collecting letters just like these. She has recieved thousands of letters from people of all ages, in all walks of life, wanting to write letters for so many different reasons. Jackie is currently working to get the collection of these letters published in a book. Let's support her in this! Check out her website Things You Would Have Said to hear more about her and her goals. She posts a new letter each day on the site, so great and encouraging to read!
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Photography is always something I wish I could get into. I think that at some point in my life it could turn into a hobby. I found this and thought it was cool! I for sure don't know what any of these things are now but someday when I have the money to buy a nice camera I will need to know. Maybe you will find this helpful for now or the future!
{via we heart it}
stick to your own
How about you listen to the Holy Spirit in you and I'll do the same, and we'll all be just fine
- Marilyn Petermeyer
As followers of Christ we fight each day against this world. We feel out of place in it, we do things that don't make sense. This is expected, scripture talks about it and talks about it being a great thing. Jesus felt out of place and was because He lived a diferent live. As we try had to live these lives as well, and strive to live like Jesus did, it's only natural that we would feel the same emotions that He felt.
What is a huge bummer is when we, as Christians, treat each other in this same way. We think we know what is the appropriate time to get married, buy a house, have kids, spend money or even little things like what TV shows are appropriate to watch. We then use that as a truth and standard for everyone else. This is SO not our place. If we truly trusted in our God and believed He is who He says He is we would see that he has an individual plan for each of His children. He does not have a formula or plan for how he wants ALL of his followers lived to look. Yes there are common things that are the same but it's going to look just a little different for each person, couple or family. This frustrates me in other people and it frustrates me in myself.
I want to be trusting enough that my friend, family, peer, sister/brother in Christ is seeking out what the Lord wants for their life, and I'll do the same with mine. I want to trust Christ IN them. We can't put everything we've felt God say to us about our own hearts and lives onto other people.
Thanks Marilyn for sticking this in my head for the last few weeks.
- Marilyn Petermeyer
As followers of Christ we fight each day against this world. We feel out of place in it, we do things that don't make sense. This is expected, scripture talks about it and talks about it being a great thing. Jesus felt out of place and was because He lived a diferent live. As we try had to live these lives as well, and strive to live like Jesus did, it's only natural that we would feel the same emotions that He felt.
What is a huge bummer is when we, as Christians, treat each other in this same way. We think we know what is the appropriate time to get married, buy a house, have kids, spend money or even little things like what TV shows are appropriate to watch. We then use that as a truth and standard for everyone else. This is SO not our place. If we truly trusted in our God and believed He is who He says He is we would see that he has an individual plan for each of His children. He does not have a formula or plan for how he wants ALL of his followers lived to look. Yes there are common things that are the same but it's going to look just a little different for each person, couple or family. This frustrates me in other people and it frustrates me in myself.
I want to be trusting enough that my friend, family, peer, sister/brother in Christ is seeking out what the Lord wants for their life, and I'll do the same with mine. I want to trust Christ IN them. We can't put everything we've felt God say to us about our own hearts and lives onto other people.
Thanks Marilyn for sticking this in my head for the last few weeks.
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