Friday, February 26, 2010

in the beginning

I've been reminiscing lately about 3 years ago what my Jan-April looked like. As a sophomore in college, living with 2 amazing women of God who were in relationships God had placed them in for a purpose, I had a bitter/sweet Fall term. I loved living with them, I learned SO much from them; by watching healthy, God-centered relationships. I watched their struggles and their selflessness and seeking Christ in it all. I was also jealous. I wanted this for myself, and as I was "not dating for a year" it was hard to have this beautiful thing in my face all of the time. The more and more that I am distanced from that situation the more I see SO clearly how God was working in my life and in my heart. These women taught me so much just by letting me observe and listen. They went through it before me. SO when it came to be my time; it was a simple, comfortable transition.

These are the first pictures that Brian and I ever took together (classic) in April/May 2007 when our relationship really began. It was a sweet winter, spring and summer. It was full of giddy conversations, impromptu visits (I was in Eugene and he was in Salem at the time), nights of Nerts with Morgan and Jenna, funny facebook comments, witty humor and lots of flirty sarcasm.

I miss this time. Every season of a relationship is good in it's own way but I remember such happy feelings from this season. So much comfort but still having so much fun learning about each other. So many late night phone conversations and butterflies in my stomach every time we kissed, or held hands, or looked at each other. Ah young love..

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