Monday, February 15, 2010

your story

Once again, church was incredible. I am continued to be fed and filled by the word and Spirit. The guest pastor Mike Erre yesterday did a great job of taking an account from the Gospel, making sense of it through historical/geographical context and then showing us a clear picture of what Jesus was teaching and what the Gospel is saying to us. SO AWESOME.
{listen to the message}

What an encouragement to hear of a whole town who looked down upon Jesus and after one encounter with one person in the village who then spread the word about what Jesus had done for him made the whole town believe. What Mike wanted to communicate was that the most convincing and compelling story about who Jesus is is through the Gospels and our stories. Why do we make it so much more difficult than that? {What's hard today is "righting" all of the "wrongs" about what "Christians" have done which now replace the idea of Jesus in the minds of unbelievers.}

How come it is so hard for us to say "this is what Jesus has done in my life, this is who He is". That can't be argued with. No one can say "you didn't experience Him in that way"! And when we start to think about what "God Has.." done for us, the list could go on for days. Some things are big and somethings are small but there are countless things. A fun exercise (that we did yesterday at church) to do other than to write out a whole testimony was to finish the sentence "God Has...".

My card read:

God Has...
set me free from captivity and lies
loved me unconditionally
showed up
made me new
fed me truth
let me live life to the full
given me blessing upon blessing
healed my broken heart

{i stole this from Tiffany's facebook, I just love it}

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